Our team have a combined experience of over 40 years in Postural Care. Members of our Team have often led the way in new Clinical Studies and developing 'Game Changing' Products.
We have a passion for providing High Quality Products and Service Excellence so that our Customers enjoy the experience of working with Black Fern Healthcare LTD and can use our products and services with confidence.
We work closely with our chosen Partners to ensure products are designed with Children, Young People and their Families in mind.
We ensure all Products are manufactured to the highest quality and that all of our Suppliers have robust Quality Management processes in place.
All our products are easy to use and robust for enduring everyday life.
We offer exceptional training and support with all products supplied and our commitment to our Customers, and those using our products, is for the long term.
Our Vision
Supporting Children and Young People to be Safe, Happy and Comfortable all day, every day....
Our Mission is Simple:
To provide Expertise, High Quality Products and Service Excellence to ensure Children and Young People:
Sit Straight » Stand Straight » Lie Straight » Grow Straight
To find out more or book a FREE Assessment:
Sales: 07741 614087
Other Enquiries: 07444 238908