Sylwia was born in 2000 and suffers from cerebral palsy.
It affects her arms and legs and especially her right side.
When she was 14, because of contractures and her hips, her Physiotherapist advised Sylwia's family that her standing frame was no longer appropriate and suggested that she should stop using it. As she became older, her hips were constantly becoming displaced. In 2015, she underwent major surgery. Part of her rehabilitation was to use a standing frame but Sylwia's parents knew from experience there were none available that could meet Sylwia's needs.
After researching the UK and European market, they found LIW Care Technology. They design and manufacture an innovative multi-functional device, Baffin TRIO™, that supports and corrects the spine and can change from lying to sitting to standing positions at the touch of a button. Using patented technology, the ‘second spine’, each device is individually fitted to the patient.
Sylwia's Mum, Marzena, knew she had to have one for Sylwia!
However, they were unable to afford to buy one. Over the course of twelve months, they applied to the NHS and several charities in the hope that they would be able to fund it. But as the equipment was unavailable in the UK, they were unable to help Sylwia's family.
Marzena knew her daughter needed this technology to prevent further deterioration and more trips to the hospital. She also strongly believed that other children in the UK have the right to access better equipment than was available.
After contacting LIW Care, Marzena spoke with the manufacturers and negotiations to set up their company started. After months of talks, they came to a mutual agreement that meant their products could be made available in the UK and Baffin Technology Systems Limited was born.
A family’s own personal experience sparked the original idea for Chunc.
When Sophie was born severely disabled and was later diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy, her Family managed with regular strollers until she was eight years old. They then had to consider specialised seating.
However, it soon became apparent that wheelchairs made for disabled children were causing more problems than they were solving. Sophie did not have the right support, the chairs were difficult for the attendant, cumbersome to move and they looked ugly!
Manufacturers didn’t respond to our concerns and suggestions. So, Sophie's father decided to take on the task of producing a better chair himself. With their long-standing family business being based in the aerospace manufacturing & engineering industry, they knew they could apply their technical knowledge and experience to make a quantum leap in the functionality, styling and user-friendliness of children’s wheelchairs.
Founded in 1971 by Åke G du Rées, who originally developed the REAL chair in the 1960s, Mercado Medic has remained at the forefront of adaptive seating solutions.
The REAL 9000 series continues to be their flagship product, delivering reliable and adaptable seating for users worldwide.
The team at Mercado Medic design and develop their products in collaboration with the Swedish Handicap Institute (SHI) and Healthcare Professionals, ensuring that every chair meets the highest standards of Functionality, Safety, and Quality.
Production is carried out at the Mercado Medic Headquarters in Lidingö, Sweden, where key components are manufactured using state-of-the-art equipment.
To find out more or book a FREE Assessment:
Sales: 07741 614087
Other Enquiries: 07444 238908